Hannelore Fischer,

abstract visionary intuitive expressive painting


As a visionary artist I bring my inner mystical experience into the form of abstract paintings. I aim to be fully present during my intuitive painting process and seek to transcend time, space and rational thought with intent while allowing the image to take form on its own terms. Nature is my main source of inspiration. Imaginary and “real” experiences translate onto canvas through vivid color and rich texture, fluid gesture and energetic brush strokes. The emerging biomorphic formations evoke macroscopic or microscopic structures, veins, clusters and channels, even celestial bodies and their life cycle. In recent years several distinct shapes have emerged consistently out of abstract form: an eye shape, the spiral, a heart shape, followed by an oval or egg shape. I play with these symbols on canvas as "raw, uncharted potentiality", or “contained, purposeful universes”. The ovum shape has significance for me in connection to a larger earth cycle that is about to begin again and renew itself. We do not know how this will manifest in the very near future; yet I feel much reassurance in being connected with the subject, rather than dwelling in fear of the unknown. In my inner knowing I want to float like a leaf on water, trusting, carried by the current of life. I want to deepen the feeling of interconnectedness of all things — in our natural world, and through unseen dimensions. I find answers in the painting process where I create and recreate my experience with repeated overlapping of shapes, multiple canvases, loosely connective strands and unifying color. My paintings guide me to a greater understanding of how we harmonize, transform and evolve within our perceived natural world. It is my intent as a painter to inspire and evoke the interconnected, simultaneous and cyclical nature of our inner and outer reality. My own transformation and gradual evolution is charted and present in my paintings. The viewer's experience may resonate similarly. Hannelore Fischer 2012

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