My Gallery

Your gallery images

Image Title Description Operations
Foraged Grace
These giraffees were designed to be outside but they can fit comfortably in the corner of anyone’s house large or small.
Alien Panels
All you have to think is what would art look like it it was on an alien space craft?
The Archangel is Christopher’s most spiritual piece. It is a direct connection to god. The angel is baring an infant. This piece has a 12 foot wing span with a three foot spear.
Brain Spawn
This is an experment from the Karbon Kast line. Christopher is using real carbon and vintage scrap metals for this surreal alien expierence.
Robo Lovers
These vintage robots were created from a process Christopher calls Karbon Kast. They are trapped forever in fossilized love.
Iron Man Head
Sometimes Christopher likes to share his love for fanart. Iron Man made the Karbon Kast list with a nice recycled wood frame.